Rabu, 10 Februari 2016


Once upon the time, there was a King who lived in a very big palace.
One day, the King promised to one of his gardeners, there will million gold coins. If he could grow a tree, wich bore rich golden fruits.
The King said,” Hi gardener, come here!,”
“ yes my lord,” gardener replied.
“ do you want million gold coins,?” the King asked.
Gardener answered, “mmmm, absolutely my lord,, ahaaaa I know,, do you want give me gold coins right.”
“ uhhm,, no, I don’t.. I will give you gold coins if you can grow a tree that I want though.” The King said
“ what,, hahaha, it’s so easy my lord, everyday I always grow some tree…. Haahahaaa.” Gardener laugh
“ quite!!!,, I haven’t stop say… you must grow a tree that can be bear golden fruits” the King said
“ ohhhhhh ( gardener shocked ) wha wha what.. golden fruits,,, how can I do this ,,, ehm oke,, I will find the seed as quickly as possible, my lord…” gardener said.
“ really ,, ohhh thank so much,, okee,,, go out and find the seed as quickly,,”the King replied.

The gardener searched all over the countryside, but he could not find the right seed, to grow a tree which would bear golden fruit, all year round.
The gardener said,” what must I do ? where must I go to get the seed? Ashhh I think, get the seed  to grow a tree which will bear golden fruit is so easy, but is not…”

“ ahhhaaaaaa,,, I know ,,,, I must go to see a wise old owl…. “ gardener had idea

So, at least, he went to see a wise old owl, who lived in the forest and know about many thing.
The wise owl, told him what to do, and where to go, to get the right seed, to plant.
“ oh my gosh! This forest so horrifying, brrr…” gardener scared.
“ whoa,, “ gardener fall after he collision with a big owl.
“ what do you want, why you come here ?” the wise old owl asked him.
“ ehm, I just need your help, please help me owl! Where must I go , to get the seed which can bear golden fruits ?
The wise old owl said, “ hahahaa,, you want seed which can bear golden fruits ? really?”
“ ehm , yes ofcourse,” gardener replied.
“ okee,, yo can get the seed in the green jungle, and you can get one seed there.” The wise old owl said.
“ thank you owl, “ said the gardener.

The gardener went exactly, where he was told and what he was did, by the wise owl, exactly. He found the seed, and said,” oh…… that is seed which I looking for, I must get one,”

“ wait, you can’t get this seed, “ the wise owl said.
“ what, why can you here? And why I can’t get this seed?” gardener shocked.
“ hahahaa,, this jungle is my home, and everything in here is my fate, if you want this seed, you must pay it, hahahaa.” The wise owl said.
“ ashhh,, why you don’t tell me before? Alright, how much the seed price?” gardener asked.
“ just 50.000, hehehee “ the wise owl said.
“ what, it’s so expensive,,, hmmmm alright, here you are,,,” gardener gave his money.
“ hahaa, thank you,” the wise owl gave gardener seed.
He got one seed and back to the garden. He planted the seed and gave it some water, some fertilizer and watched it. Suddenly, the tree sprang up quickly, that it made the gardener jump and jump. The gardener watched the tree beginning to bear golden fruit.
“ oh,,,, yeaaaahhhh I am success!, I will be rich”
He ran back to the palace, and took the King to see the tree. The gardener said to the King, “ my lord,, I have planted what you request!, let go to the garden and see it.!”
The King answered,” Oh, is it right?”
“ yeaah my lord,” he replied.

When the King stood there, the gardener staring open his mouth.” Give me million gold coins right now, my lord,” the gardener asked the King for his three million gold coins.
The King agreed to that request, and gave the gardener the money.
“ Ok here you are, your gold coins!.”
“ thank you so much, my lord !, he he he heee “ he answered.

The gardener went home and call his wife, “ honey,,, honey,,, where are you,, look look, what I have.”
“ what happen honey,, whoaaaaa.. what it is?” the gardener wife shocked.
“ look,, it’s three million gold coins honey, look this ,,” gardener said.
“ wow, unbelievable,, you success! Honey,, hahahaa,,” gardener wife said.
“ yeeah we will be rich honey,” gardener and his wife jump and jump.
“ oke okeee the first we can go to vacation to many country honey,,, “ gardener said.
“ and than we can go shopping.” gardener wife replied.

At last gardener and his wife lived happily ever after……. J J J

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